Desire, as defined by Wikipedia, is:
"The emotion of longing or hoping for a person, object, or outcome. The same sense is expressed by words such as "craving". When a person desires something or someone, their sense of longing is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of the item or person, and they want to take action to obtain their goal."
I chose the image of fire to represent desire because that's the only way I could think of how to describe it. Just as the 'wiki' definition paraphrased, "it's a craving or a sense of longing that excites you by the thought to obtain the goal."
In addition, you need a plan. Whatever it is you want most in life, design a plan, implement it, and then stick to it until you achieve what you desire. Simply put, when you follow the plan you've established and put in the work you'll reach your intended outcome or come close enough that you'll understand where you may have made an error.
Trust me, by just starting you've created a new set of habits that you'll grow accustomed to which will become a part of your routine. You'll look back on your former self and see how having no routine is was so much more mentally, physically, and emotionally draining.